Before the sons go down, 7/2/09

To walk through the door and hear cries
Of "Daddy!" cut me down to size.
Because these days I creep
In the door; they're asleep
And I really miss seeing those guys.


Jenn said…
My hubby totally relates. I see you are working on Royal Pains-- congrats!! They are promoting the heck out of that show!!!! I hope it is successful. - A Fan.
Jenn said…
My hubby relates. I see you are working on Royal Pains-- congrats! They are promoting the heck out of that show!!!! I hope it is successful! J Fan.
Jon Sherman said…
Thanks, Jenn! Yes, Royal Pains has been great so far. We're done shooting in about 2 weeks, but the writing is complete, and there are about 5 episodes left to air!

Thanks again.


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